Sunday, 23 November 2008


Over the weekend I have been concentrating on painting the main outbuilding and lighthouse. I'm trying to achieve quite a weathered look to make the lighthouse look as authentic as possible. I sprayed the main white and red colour of the lighthouse with cellulose paint, as it is quicker than painting it by hand and I didn't want visible brush marks. To create the weathered stains and variations in colour I have been working with acrylic paint and chalks. I find that chalks allow me to create a more subtle shading difference than a paintbrush.

With the outbuilding I have painted it all by hand using acrylic paints. I first put on a basic base colour, then shade in darker areas, around edges and windows etc, and finish off by highlighting areas to pick up on the brickwork. I have tried to keep the brickwork quite subtle, as given the scale I don't want it to be too noticeable, unless you look at it more closely.

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